Friday, January 23, 2009

Concentrated Juice: All-Star Musing and Other Observations

All-Stars, evil fans, good friends, and hockey dates: Just a few things that have been on my mind this week.

The All-Stars

We have all had our say on the controversy that is the All Star game. This is not about GB or rigged voting or even skills competitions. Plenty has been written about the complete unfairness of the voting and how there were some truly deserving players who deserved either to be a starter or just make the team. I fall firmly on the side of this argument that sees the voting as a disaster and its results a sham. However, I can’t help but wonder how the guys who are the “voted in” All Stars feel. Imagine being Kovalev, Komisarek or Kane. Does it diminish the honor to be named to an All Star team that has been so harshly judged and criticized? I imagine its not hard to look at the blatantly biased results and feel like maybe you don’t deserve to be there. I think if I’m LeCavalier or Carter, I am looking at Alexander Ovechkin and saying: “He deserves to be a rightly named starter as much and maybe even before me.”

Trouble is, many guys do deserve to be there. Many more than there are roster spots. I rail at the idea that Ovie wasn’t properly honored, but I also feel bad for the guys sitting there who might be feeling their accomplishments are vicariously disparaged.

Bottom line: It does the entire league and all the guys playing in the All Star game a disservice to see people like Ovie and Nic Lidstrom slighted.

All-Star Suspensions

I’m not worried about my Red Wings missing one game. We see the prize and know how to get there. The Wings Organization, from top to bottom will support the decisions made by two of our star players and trust them with respect to their own health. So strong is this unit and family that even the Commissioner can’t truly harm them. They will stick together and support each other. Its how we do in the D.

It’s Sid the Kid I am actually worried about. He obviously took a stand in backing out of the game and said he was injured. Why shouldn’t we believe him? It would have been nice to see him get some support from his team, coaches and ownership like we know Nico and Pasha got from the entire Red Wing Organization.

The League may have been aiming at my Wings in effecting the ALL-Star Suspension, but it is the League’s poster boy whose reputation will suffer. GB all but made Sid crawl up there with his tail between his legs. And now by making him play, he effects 1 of 2 things:

1. Exacerbation of an existing injury; or

2. makes Sid seem like he lied about the injury in the first place.

Poor Sid. I wish someone with some common sense would take that kid under wing.

The Los Angeles Kings

I have had the occasion to interact with Kings fans this week as they lose 5 in a row after having a very exiting December, and I am disappointed in many of these fans. The same people who were agreeing with me about Drew Doughty, Erik Ersberg, Johnny Quick, Dustin Brown and the way this team was working a full 60 minutes, and exhibiting the poise of a much older, more experienced team, and really starting to contend in the league, all bailed at the first sign of a slump.

The naysaying – well you all should be ashamed of yourselves. The complaints that you have seen this all before, and turning your back on Terry Murray, Well I am dismayed and surprised.

Think very hard Kings fans before you turn your backs on this team under the guise of “I’ve been disappointed before and darn it my shrink in Beverly Hills (you know the one Dr. everything will be all right) says its ok to protect myself from future suffering by walking away at the tiniest sign of trouble.”

This team is up and coming. They have many many of the ingredients needed to be successful. They have a poised, albeit young, captain; two stellar and young goalies; a great gelling defense. They play 60 minutes as hard as they can. They are smart and focused. They have soundly beaten several of the league’s best teams. They are the real deal and they deserve your support through think and thin, including slumps.

Of course they are gonna slump. Everyone does. You have a young team. They are gonna have some troubles. It is up to the fans to support their team through thick and thin, no matter if it take 10, 15 or 42 years to see a championship team. Only way you can call yourself a true fan.

Man up LA!

Abuse for the City of Detroit and her People

To anyone who attends a game where your team plays Detroit and who feels compelled to taunt a Wings fan by making reference to the dire economic straits of the City and its surrounding suburbs, who feels its appropriate to make fun of people who are losing their jobs, homes, healthcare. Those who make fun of people whose children are suffering, who make fun of a place where things are only likely to get worse: You are a complete soulless moron who deserves to have several large beers dumped on you. Go back to the van you’ve parked by the river, eat some cheese and dream of the day you become a motivational speaker.

San Jose Shark Fans

With the exception of those of you who engaged in the behavior described above- and the guy who yelled for Jody Shelley to break Pavel Datsyuk’s hand, You San Jose Sharks Fans are truly special. I was completely in awe of your loyalty and support for your team. I would love to hang in that atmosphere and see your team play a team other than the Wings (or Kings). Be proud, you were (mostly) classy, fun, enthusiastic and it was a joy to watch you embrace your team.

Helmets, Safety and the NHL- No Easy Answers

The hockey world sees the issue of helmet safety as inextricably linked to the issue of fighting . In my blog of last week I argue that we should look at helmet safety separate from fighting, but no one seems to agree with me. I guess should not be complaining as long as we are still discussing helmet safety.

To that end, TSN has a new article on “How should the NHL Address Fights and the use of Helmets” (January 17, 2009) that addresses the very topic we all have discussed on these boards. They interviewed Don Sanderson’s father, who had this to say:

“My son didn’t die as the result of a fight, he died because his head hit the ice. There’s a big difference,” said Mike Sanderson. “It’s a helmet issue.”

“Some say the boys are going to fight and hurt their fists now. Well, I wish my son had a broken fist,” Sanderson added.

Here here. Of course the rest of the article debated fighting…

Fights are Up 70%

TSN also reports in that same article that “It’s worth noting that first-half statistics for this NHL season show that fighting is up 70 percent since the first post-lockout season in 2005-06 – back to pre-lockout levels.” Though I wrote in a December blog about the exponential increase in the percentage of injuries this year, I can’t say for certain how many of those injuries resulted from fights.

In the same TSN article, Wayne Gretzky expressed his thoughts on fights and safety, they are worth reading. It says the great one had “some ideas on how the league could avoid an ugly incident stemming from a fight.

‘’If you throw a guy down (in a fight), it should be an extra penalty,’’ said Gretzky. ‘’If you try to trip a guy during a fight, it should be an extra penalty. If its worse, than it should be reviewed by (NHL disciplinarian) Colin Campbell. That way it will make two guys stand up and actually fight.’’

Sean Avery and Helmet Safety

Because, well, why not? Did you know that the issue of helmet safety came to the forefront in 1998 when Sean Avery, then a player in the OHL, suffered a concussion and deep cut to the head because his helmet flew into the air after he was smashed into the glass? Its true.

Makes me wonder whether Sean’s bad behavior is a result of his noggin getting rattled back in the day. Think this conclusion is reaching a bit? IDK, talk to a professional boxer and see if you can follow their train of thought. Many are not often able to think rationally as a result of head injury. Even a roller coaster ride has been proven to cause mild brain damage. Imagine if Sean’s temperament is the result of that concussion. Head injuries would have caused the premature end of a promising young player’s career and caused a lot of people a lot of grief.

All Men Who Date Women Who Love Hockey

Take her passion seriously, she might know more than you about the game. Do not pester her into leaving a game early EVEN when her team is beating yours senseless in a 4-0 shut out. If you do that, you will NOT get any. Heck you won’t even get that second date.

Originally posted on Friday January 23, 2009 @ 06:47 PM EST at
Copyright 2009. All Rights Reserved. No use or reproduction without the express written permission of the author.

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